Learning at Home
Dear Children, Parents and Carers,
Welcome to the Home Learning Area on our website for the Spring Term 2021.
This is the ‘go to’ place for all the home learning while some children are learning at home, instead of in our school buildings.
We will post all the learning activities on a Sunday for the week ahead for all year groups. Reception, Year 1,2 and 3 will have films uploaded daily (from Tuesday) to assist with the English lesson for the following day. In Year 4,5 and 6 we are trialling zoom lessons for English.
We can continue to print work for you if accessing it on the computer is hard- please e mail Mrs Palmer if this is the case: lpalmer@ccht.rbkc.sch.uk
Class Dojo is what you use for communications with class teachers – please e mail your class teacher if you have any problems using this.
“Everything is Interesting” by Mrs Davies, will be posted up again. It is designed for weekend homework but can be used whenever you wish throughout the week. There are a whole host of extra activities that the children can look at. This is for you to use as it suits you, and is designed to work for a family of children at different ages.
Mr Henwood and Mr Bournous will be posting some physical exercise tasks for you as the week progresses, and watch out for Mrs Webb, Father Brian, and I as we are sure to be popping up on films too! We will let you know when we put them up.
Story time posts will resume with Mrs Palmer, Mrs Nelson, and other special guests.
Espresso in the ‘Good Websites section’ is great, as are the new resources in BBC Bitesize – so look there too when you get time.
Recording Work:
If you have homework books at home, please ask the children to record work in there. We will put homework books that are still in school in boxes outside school all day Monday if you need to collect one. We will also put lots of spare books out in case you have run out of space. The spare books will be there every day next week. if you are not able to get to school then please use whatever paper and books you have at home. As a last resort if you have no paper, we will deliver books to you. Please contact Mrs Palmer if you need us to do this.
Class Dojo and Zooms (for Years 4, 5 and 6):
You should all be up and running with Class Dojo. This is where you will do the day-to-day communication with your class teachers and post work for the teachers to respond to. Please be aware that sending work little and often is best.
Teachers will respond to questions and work in the afternoons as they will be teaching children in school in the morning and with older classes will be joining zooms with your children for English. You will receive invitations to join the zoom, but if it is not possible for children to join the zoom, they can watch a recording of it at a convenient time and this can be accessed via the website. This is a trial, and we will keep under review how effective this form of remote teaching is as we go forwards. We have other versions of this plan for Years 4- 6 that we may revert to if it is felt to be more appropriate.
Year 4,5 and 6 teachers feel it would be useful to run zoom tutor groups too so they will contact you separately about how this will work.
Reading Books:
On Mondays if families with children in Years Reception, 1 and 2 could come to school and put their reading folders in a box outside we will change the books and they will be ready for collection on Wednesday. Children that read dandelion readers in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 please also drop book packs in the box outside school on Monday and we will put new books in packs for Wednesday.
Teachers will post whole class reading clips on Dojo for the children to listen to regularly and support and encourage children to continue their own personal reading.
We will still have remote students of the week and our weekly newsletters to keep us all together and to celebrate what we are achieving even in these difficult times.
Don’t forget you can send information for the newsletters to:
jkelly@ccht.rbkc.sch.uk or ahawkins@ccht.rbkc.sch.uk or lphillips@ccht.rbkc.sch.uk
And Finally….
We do totally understand that this situation is far from ideal for you and the children and it pains me to send you all this information that you have to digest yet again… for one of our 14 classes it is for the third time in the last year.
The NHS coping with the pandemic must be the priority for us all so let us hope it is felt that this is the case as soon as possible. I know the pressure that this will be putting on all of you. While we very much want the children to continue learning, their wellbeing and yours is also a priority so do contact us if there is any way that we can help you through the next two weeks and hopefully not beyond.
Please try very hard to be positive with our children and delight in the good that they do at home.
Best wishes,
Avis Hawkins and George Webb
Head and Deputy Head Teachers